Vlog of Thrones #6.8: No One

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gD7Stfwj8bY?showinfo=0]

Welcome back to Vlog of Thrones, the show where Chelsey and I theorize about one of our favourite shows on TV!

This week we talk about episode eight of season six: No One

Warning! This episode contains SPOILERS and SWEARING!

Topics include but are not limited too:

– We both really liked this episode. It was fairly quiet but a lot of things happened
– The Hound is a delight but isn’t he always?
– Is Lady Stoneheart going to be a thing?
– Brienne and Jaimie’s scenes were hard to watch. So charged with emotion and regret.
– Brienne talks to the Blackfish and makes a deal with Jaimie
– Arya gets patched up by Miss Fisher
– Miss Fisher gets to put on the play one last time with the changes to her dialogue
– So is the Waif a Terminator?
– Some Arya theories: Was it actually Arya who survived or was it the Waif in disguise?
– Varys and Tyrion are seperating
– Tyrion begins to break down the walls between himself, Grey Worm and Missande
– Dany is BACK
– Cersei declares war on the High Sparrow

Written by
Alexandra is always looking for the next book she can devour. She has a love hate relationship with teen fiction specifically when it comes to fantasy, post apocalyptic and failed shakespeare adaptations.

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