Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones Trailer: The Final Season

Well here we go. One more time round in Westeros. I'm surprised that this trailer wasn't cut to Let the Bodies Hit the Floor. Because we know that that's exactly what's going to happen.

Game of Thrones

George R.R. Martin's best-selling book series "A Song of Ice and Fire" is brought to the screen as HBO sinks its considerable storytelling teeth into the medieval fantasy epic. It's the depiction of t...

Top 5 Wednesday: Favourite Non Canon Ships

This week for Top Five Wednesday, Chelsey and Alexandra talk about their top five favourite non canon ships. Because sometimes the best relationships are...

Vlog of Thrones #6.10: Winds of Winter

[youtube] AND IT’S OVER! Welcome to The Winds of Winter! The finale of Game of Thrones offered a rather “explosive” ending, wou...

Vlog of Thrones #5.9: The Dance of Dragons

Better late then never right? Alexandra and Chelsey talk about episode seven of Game of Thrones. Is anyone worth cheering for anymore?

Vlog of Thrones #6.9: Battle of the Bastards

THIS IS IT! The episode we all have been waiting for! Jon Snow & Sansa Stark versus Ramsay Bolton, the guy who somehow managed to make Joffery seem well adjusted. Welcome to the Battle of the Bastards

Vlog of Thrones #6.8: No One

Welcome back to Vlog of Thrones, the show where Chelsey and I theorize about one of our favourite shows on TV! This week we talk about episode eight of season six: No One Warning! This episode c...

Vlog of Thrones #6.7: The Broken Man

Welcome back to Vlog of Thrones, the show where Chelsey and I theorize about one of our favourite shows on TV! This week we talk about The seventh episode of season six: The Broken Man.

Vlog of Thrones: #6.5: The Door

WELCOME BACK TO VLOG OF THRONES! This week we’re taking a look at episode five of season six: The Door. Mid season finale guys. Let’s get weird.

Vlog of Thrones #6.4: Book of the Stranger

WELCOME BACK TO VLOG OF THRONES! This week we’re taking a look at season six episode four: The Book of the Stranger. Has the High Sparrow become the Joker?

Vlog of Thrones #6.3: Oathbreaker

WELCOME BACK TO VLOG OF THRONES! This vlog we take a look at season six episode three: Oathbreaker. Zombie Jon is starting to make waves and Bran has some wacky visions.

Vlog of Thrones #6.2: Home

WELCOME BACK TO VLOG OF THRONES! This week we take a look at the second episode of season 6: Home. Do you think Bran is doomed to be an evil ice wizard? We do!

Vlog of Thrones #6.1: The Red Woman

After a year of waiting, it’s time to wade back into mess that is Westeros. Will the rest of our favourites survive this season? Who knows? But as is tradition, we’re going to Vlog our way through it!

Top 5 Wednesday: Books to Read By the Fire

Winter is no longer coming, it’s finally here. There’s no better way to spend the cold dark days curled up inside under a few blankets with a crackling fire in your fireplace. This week on Top 5 Wedne...

Vlog of Thrones #5.10: Mother’s Mercy

Better late then never right? Alexandra and Chelsey talk about episode seven of Game of Thrones: Mother’s Mercy.

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