A young forensics investigator finds his worldview turned upside down, when a bizarre religious triple-homicide introduces him to the Rulers, godlike beings who have ruled humanity since the dawn of t...
The legend continues with Thors new and old! Loki spins a special ages-old tale of a young Odinson in action against a hulking great enemy. You wouldn’t like this Viking when he’s angry! But what incr...
As the War of the Realms rages on, the only way to defeat Malekith is with a united front - and it's up to Thor to bring the many races together! Now heroes from across the ten worlds - including Lady...
The Eisner-nominated MONSTRESS is back! Maika, Kippa, and Ren journey to Thyria in search of answers to her past... and discover a new, terrible, threat. Collects MONSTRESS #7-12
The gods are free to do whatever they want. Inevitably, they do. Collects issues 23-28 of the series, including the critically lauded Kevin Wada magazine issue.
DR. JANE FOSTER IS THE GODDESS OF THUNDER--AND IT'S KILLING HER. Her enemies are many as Asgard descends further into chaos, and unrest threatens to spread throughout the Ten Realms. Yet she wag...
Mr. Quinlan, a product of a hellish vampiric ritual gone wrong, seeks to destroy the Master, the powerful vampire who sired him. After he is forced into hiding in the ancient Roman hillsides, he is ca...
Mr. Quinlan, a product of a hellish vampiric ritual gone wrong, seeks to destroy the Master, the powerful vampire who sired him. After he is forced into hiding in the ancient Roman hillsides, he is ca...
One of the hottest new series of the year gets its first, new reader friendly-priced collection! Fillmore Press was once Madder Red, a homicidal maniac and criminal overlord who ruled the city of Bedl...
One of the hottest new series of the year gets its first, new reader friendly-priced collection! Fillmore Press was once Madder Red, a homicidal maniac and criminal overlord who ruled the city of Bedl...
Set in an alternate matriarchal 1900's Asia, in a richly imagined world of art deco-inflected steam punk, MONSTRESS tells the story of a teenage girl who is struggling to survive the trauma of war, an
This is one comic you don't want miss. Stunning art, an intriguing plot and fascinating plot all combine into one addicting series about the monsters within.
Set in an alternate matriarchal 1900's Asia, in a richly imagined world of art deco-inflected steam punk, MONSTRESS tells the story of a teenage girl who is struggling to survive the trauma of war, an...