
Pet Sematary: Book vs. Movie

Reviewing Stephen King's "scariest" novel was not quite as terrifying for us as we expected. Would the newest release of Pet Sematary the movie crawl up our spine in a way that the book wouldn't? We d...

The Summer Reading Project

Well this video is about three months too late. Whoops! Chelsey and Alexandra talk about their favourite books they read this summer. Also the Guardians of Time.

Top 5 Wednesday: Never Going to Read Ever

Top Five Wednesday is a book tag started by GingerReadsLainey. Join the goodreads group to get each week’s topic and participate yourselves! So, it turns out we did this topic before. Check out our...

Top 5 Wednesday: Books We Are Still Waiting For

This week on Top Five Wednesday, Chelsey and Alexandra talk about the Top Five Books They Are Still Waiting For. So we did kind of mess up the topic

BEA 2016

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwtanR2gZAQ?showinfo=0]   BEA 2016 has come to a close. After three long days we’re totally exhausted but happy. We’re so excited for all the ...

The Martian

The Martian is a survival narrative that is completely dependent on it's main character Mark Wattney. Sometime heartfelt, often hilarious The Martian is a must read for science fiction fans everywhere...

8.6 Great

The Strain Vlogs #2.7: The Born

Setrakian and Fet use Fitzwilliam's info to attack the Master; Dutch receives a surprise guest; Eph returns to NYC frustrated but energized to go after the one person responsible for killing his frien...

Top 5 Wednesday: Hated Character Tropes

For every handful of tropes that we love, there are a few that we really don't like. For this week on Top 5 Wednesday, we talk about our top five most hated character tropes in fiction and why we don'...

Top 5 Wednesday: Books You’ll Never Read/Wish You Never Read

Alexandra and Chelsey are currently at BEA! But they were smart enough to pre-record their video... or at least attempt too.

Consumed Vlog

Consumed is a novel that is not for everyone. It's a weird little book that doesn't go anywhere near where you thought it would.

7 Good

Vlog of Thrones #5.1: The Wars to Come

GAME OF THRONES!!! Welcome to season five! It’s back and so are our vlogs! This vlog takes a look at the season premiere: The Wars to Come

Upcoming Adapations 2015

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KP4cyjQPtxw?showinfo=0] Our second annual look at upcoming adaptations! What did we miss?

September Book Haul

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHUGtxyx6fo?showinfo=0&w=853&h=480]

The Strain Vlogs #1.5: Runaways

It's the beginning of the end as Setrakian realizes that the upcoming eclipse is the apex for viral infection; meanwhile, Eph is arrested after warning Kelly to leave with Zack before the plague sprea...

The Strain Vlog #1.3: Gone Smooth

Eph and Nora fight to save Capt. Redfern's life; a spike in rat attacks signals Fet that something inexplicable is happening below the city; Setrakian begins his own merciless plan to stop the spread ...

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