Day 5: Book You Wish You Could Live In


How much would it suck if Harry Potter were actually real, but you’re just another non-believing, non-seeing muggle?

A book that I could live in was far harder than I thought. I’m sure there are have been a few stories I wish I could crawl into as nest there, but the only ones that came to mind were animes. Then I came across Tamora’s books and went AHA! I want to live in Tamora Pierce’s Immortal series.

Tamora’s world was built so skilfully. First you have Alanna and then slowly other people were introduced into the world who have their own adventures. Reading her books are like a dose of nostalgia after a while; like running into an old friend in a coffee shop. You never fail to get news about them and others who you have come to love, and are always glad to learn how their lives have gone on since you parted ways.

And while I loved Alanna’s story, and her daughter Ally’s story stole my heart (after all, it was the first Pierce book I read), I also came to adore Dane and her story.

The world that you grew into in Alanna’s stories has changed for ever. It seems the realm of the other worldly creatures has opened, spilling dangerous and brilliant supernatural creatures into a medieval world that previously had none.

Suddenly everyone is out of their element, and the kingdoms have to change, and in the center of it is Dane,

who has no clue who or what she is, let alone the awesome power she is capable of.

To live in that time when things were changing, people were readjusting, and those people who you had already come to love start to shine. It would be amazing to watch.

Of course, I am always careful about saying which stories I would love to live in. Every world has its dangers, and with most people’s luck they’d find themselves in that story as a peasant. There is no telling if you’d end up in the story near the important and interesting people. How much would it suck if Harry Potter were actually real, but you’re just another non-believing, non-seeing muggle?

So to crawl into a world, I would choose to land myself in Tortal. Meeting Numair Salmalin would be wonderful. He was always a delicious, fascinating man… And George. The men in the series are just as interesting as the women. How rare is that?

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I graduated with a BA in English and minors in Film, Women Studies, and Religion and Culture. I adore fantasy and sci-fi, especially when it comes to the YA section, but that doesn't mean I don't read anything else. When I'm not reading, I'm writing, biking, taking my dog for long walks or watching anime.

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