Kingdom of the Blazing Phoenix is the sequel to last years A Forest of a Thousand Lanterns. This novel takes place a few years later and follows Princess Jade, the princess who Xifeng sent away at ...
Heads up. This post is going to be full of spoilers for Strange the Dreamer. If you haven’t read Strange the Dreamer yet, I recommend you go and pick it up because you are seriously missing out.
In the past year I’ve been reading a lot of science fiction: Obsidio and Zenith to name a few. Well, it turns out that pattern isn’t going to be breaking any time soon… because Jay Kristoff is releasi...
When it comes to science fiction and horror there is always one story trope that makes me more uncomfortable than anything else: When a character is trapped somewhere and the environment outside will ...
Alexandra talks about Reign of the Fallen, a book about necromancers! Her ultimate weakness.
The Empress is the sequel to last year’s The Diabolic, which I loved. A lot. The thing is, I thought The Diabolic was a stand alone novel. It turns out it is the first book in a trilogy. Who wou...