Hunger Games – Mockingjay Part 1


Way back in November Alexandra and Chelsey say the Mockingjay Movie and then filmed a vlog about it. Here it is for your viewing pleasure.

Warning this video contains spoilers and swearing, but mostly spoilers.

-Why we love Elizabeth Banks
– Everyone in this movie brought their A-Game
– Why President Coin gives Alexandra trust isues
– Perspectives and being in Katniss’s head.
– The differences between book and film
– Katniss and suffering
– The Hanging Tree song

– The Peeta reveal
– Katniss and Gale’s relationship
– Team Gale or Team Peeta? No. It’s Team Katniss
– Cinna, still not over that.
– Costuming and how Alexandra wants to build Mockingjay armour


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I graduated with a BA in English and minors in Film, Women Studies, and Religion and Culture. I adore fantasy and sci-fi, especially when it comes to the YA section, but that doesn't mean I don't read anything else. When I'm not reading, I'm writing, biking, taking my dog for long walks or watching anime.

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