Top 5 Wednesday: Series We Wish Had More Books


Sometimes you love a book or a series so much you would be willing to give your left arm for another story that takes place in that world. This week for Top 5 Wednesday, Chelsey and I talk about our five picks for series we wish had more books.

Some of these (well one of them) is pretty obvious. Others not so much. This list is in no particular order. It’s also a topic that we will probably have to visit again in the future, since there were a lot of books that didn’t make out initial list.

Top Five Wednesday is a book tag started by GingerReadsLainey. Join the goodreads group to get each week’s topic and participate yourselves!


We would read Alana books into her old age. Alana is such an awesome character who clearly would never go gentle into the good night. There are so many other adventures that she could go on. I could see her taking over the Knight Academy and training Tortall’s next generation of heroes. It would also be amazing to see Alana interact with her family and possibly meet her grandkids! Tamora Pierce is writing more books in the world of Tortall and Alana will probably make an appearance… but she won’t be a main character. We miss her.

Check out our review on the Lioness Quartet here.


This one is kind of cheating, because at the time this video has been filmed there is still one more book that needs to come out. It’s just that we don’t want this series to end. We love these characters and we love their group dynamic. Every one of the main characters is in love with each other and it’s not necessarily romantic. The friendship that ties these characters together is a throw back to arthurian stories, making it an interesting read. On top of that the writing style is beautiful and dreamlike. These are books that we could easily keep reading and rereading forever. If you haven’t checked them out, you’re missing out.

We reviewed the most recent novel: Blue Lily Lily Blue, watch it here.


These books are technically a trilogy because there are three of them, but a more accurate description would be one book with two companion novels. All of the Graceling novels are set in the same world and certain characters make reappearances through all three, but each novel follows a different main character. The first novel Graceling follows Katsa, the second and third novels are named for their main characters: Fire and Bitterblue. Chelsey really wants another novel following Katsa because she’s such a capable heroine In a world that crosses the fantasy and superhero genres, Katsa has one of the coolest powers out there. Whether it is a prequel or a sequel there is a lot of room for Katsa to go on another crazy adventure. Cashore hasn’t said yes or no to anymore Graceling novels… but it has been a while.

Check out our review of Graceling here.


This one is pretty obvious. There are so many different stories that I would love to see come out of this world. I want some adult Harry adventures, some second generation character adventures, but mostly: I want some Marauders adventures. Can you imagine a teenage Sirius Black? It would be so interesting to see the state of the magical world during Voldemort’s initial rise to power. It would start out subtle and build to some horrifying crescendo. I’ve wanted this since I was a kid, but I doubt we’ll ever get it. Here’s hoping.

On the topic of fun characters, there is also Teddy Lupin. I think that kid would probably be a handful but I still want to see what he would get up too.


This book was basically written for me. It follows two characters with superpowers (who might both be supervillains) who are ex best friends and are getting ready to have their ultimate showdown. What I loved the most about this novel was just how twisted the superpowers in this world were. Superpowers reflect their person in the darkest of ways. Whether they can control pain or bring back people from the dead, nothing in this novel is glamourous. What drew me to the novel was the relationship between the two main characters, given the situation this could have been super weak but Scwhab manages to make it complex and interesting. Vicious ends on a pretty final note, but I would love to see other stories that take place in this world. If you love superheroes and super villains then you should totally check out this book.

I wrote a text a review about Vicious and you can read it here.

There are so many other books and series that we want to have sequels or companions too, but these were the first ones that came to our minds. What are series you wish had more books in them? Tell us about them in the comments. Until then, happy reading!

Written by
Alexandra is always looking for the next book she can devour. She has a love hate relationship with teen fiction specifically when it comes to fantasy, post apocalyptic and failed shakespeare adaptations.

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