The Strain Season Three: Join the Strigoi Today

Since the first season of The Strain their viral marketing campaign has been on point. Whether it be their colourful or controversial posters or confusing short videos, they’ve been a joy to watch. Every year I look forward to their marketing campaign and this year they promise to please. Join the Strigoi is a short infomercial staring our favourite German vampire Eichorst.


I love how cheesy this video is. I love the cheap late night infomercial aesthetic. But most of all I love just how happy Richard Sammel is goofing off. If ever there was an actor who clearly loved his job it’s Sammel. This isn’t the first time he’s done a silly video to promote The Strain, way back for comic con for season two The Strain released a video where Sammel’s character puts up his spare room on Air bnb.

The Strain Season Three starts August 28th on FX

And remember…

All Hail Our Vampire Overlords

Written by
Alexandra is always looking for the next book she can devour. She has a love hate relationship with teen fiction specifically when it comes to fantasy, post apocalyptic and failed shakespeare adaptations.

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