I can’t believe it’s already October! With my yearly stint at the carnival over, it’s time to trade in the ice cream for the pumpkin spice EVERYTHING. All hail our pumpkin spice overlords!
So while I hit up my nearest David’s Tea to buy all of the pumpkin chai I think it’s about time to hit you all with what’s going to be happening over the next couple of weeks.
We have returned to our regularly scheduled programming.
The Martian – Andy Weir
Everything Everything – Nicola Yoon
Zeroes – Scott Westerfeld, Margo Lanagan & Deborah Biancotti
Welcome to Night Vale – Joseph Fink & Jeffrey Cranor
The Rose Society – Marie Lu
Yes, we are still doing our Strain Vlogs. Yes we are super behind, hopefully in the next week or so Chelsey and I will be able to sit down and catch up on our favourite vampire tongue stinger show, there has been a void in our hearts and only the Rat Catcher and Co. can fill it.
This is a project that I’m going to try and complete over the course of the month. Halloween is my favourite holiday and as we approach it I’m going to be trying to jam in as many horror novels and shorts around all the other books.
Get ready, October is going to be a big month on book releases! What are you most excited for? Personally, I can’t wait for The Rose Society. The Young Elites really messed with me, and I cant wait to see how much further the story spirals into madness. I’m also super pumped for Jonathan L. Howard’s Carter & Lovecraft coming out at the end of the month. I’ve had that pre-ordered since it was announced.
And as usual, HAPPY READING!