High Voltage (Fever #10)
Though a step up from the previous Dani led outing, High Voltage fails to live up the previous books in the series. The world building and the central conflict takes a back seat to the will they won't they romance plot between Dani and Riodan. (Let's be hopnest here, if you've made it this far into the series you know the answer to that question). High Voltage feels like a place holder while while Karen Marie Moning decides where she'll take the series next. If you skip this one, you're not really missing out on much. Good
- Introduces a new facet to the world
- Barons and the limur was cute
- What should have been the A Plot became the B-Plot
- Toxic masculinity
- Story is dating by pop culture references
- The retcon on Dancer's character
- The ending tied itself off a little too neatly
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