A Torch Against the Night Spoilers Review

Elias and Lia have escaped but have they really? There is so much that they need to get done and so much in there way. How exciting will this installment of the story be?
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eee0uBfZzKQ?rel=0&showinfo=0]
If you loved the first book you’ll appreciate having the sequel, but it might not live up to your expectations. Character growth is put on the back-burner, along with worldbuilding, but the plot is interesting enough the get you through.
  • Add interesting new characters
  • Had a decent plot
  • Worldbuilding was poor
  • Character growth stagnated
Plot - 7
Characters - 5
Setting - 4
Writing Style - 7
Enjoyability - 5
Chelsey and Alexandra have been posting book reviews by text or video for over 5 years now. When they're not reading and writing reviews they usually have a fantasy project in queue that they're working on. You can also catch them around town at cons and expos once or twice a year.

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