Feversong Vlog Review

Both Chelsey and Alexandra were waiting for this book for what felt like forever. The cliffhanger the last book left them off with....
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3-hNbS5PFA?rel=0&showinfo=0]
  • Amazing world building
  • Wraps up the main arc well
  • Everything about the Sinsar Dubh
  • Sub plots/ plot lines are dropped
  • Slow pacing
  • Severely lacking Lor
Plot - 5
Characters - 6
Setting - 8
Writing Style - 6
Enjoyability - 6
Chelsey and Alexandra have been posting book reviews by text or video for over 5 years now. When they're not reading and writing reviews they usually have a fantasy project in queue that they're working on. You can also catch them around town at cons and expos once or twice a year.

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