
A Memory Guide to the Houses of Gideon the Ninth

If you're having trouble keeping all the characters of Gideon the Nineth straight then you've come to the right place. Here is a little guide to remember which character belongs to which necromantic t...

5 Supernatural Serial Killers in Teen Fiction

Serial killers make for a creepy crawly read, but they don’t feature very prominently in the teen fiction. These books have taken the horror stereotype and gone one step further, creating supern...

Evil Overlords in Teen Books

We all grew up with evil overlords in our fairy tales. They were like the broth of our story soup. As we got older they began to fade out of our stories, replaced with the more complex evils, and dark...

Goodreads Reveals the “Most Abandoned Books”

Take a look at the Infograph released by Goodreads Personally, I rarely abandon a book no matter how disinterested I am. I need to see it out to the bitter end. What about you? Do you abandon books or...

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