Bloomsbury USA Children's

The Key

In the thrilling, final installment of the Guardians of Time trilogy, tentative guard members Matt and Rochelle have emerged as crucial players in fulfilling the prophecy of the Named. Matt has learne...

The Dark

A year after Marduke's death, the Order's revenge is about to take shape. As they gain the upper hand in their battle against the Guardians, the Order's attempts to change history bear fruit and Ethan...

The Guardians of Time Series

Guardians of Time is a trilogy of novels written by Marianne Curley. The plot of the trilogy consists of the Guardians of Time (the Guard), trying to protect the past, present, and future by traveling...

8.4 Great

Throne of Glass Series

Throne of Glass follows Celaena Sardothien, an 18-year-old assassin in the kingdom of Adarlan. After being imprisoned for a year by the king, she accepts his son's offer to compete with other assassin...

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