Project Cain / Cain’s Blood

Project Cain has an interesting premise. Serials killers don’t often feature in teen lit, that’s for sure. And cloning them for government use, well that’s just gosh darn unique, that’s what it is.

I couldn’t resist picking it up, despite the fact that I’m a chicken, only to extremely disappointed.

The author did a great job of making a crazy sounding premise actually plausible, that is one of the things that strongly recommends this book. But it might be the only thing.

Nothing can save this novel from Jeff the Apathetic Serial Killer Clone.

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I graduated with a BA in English and minors in Film, Women Studies, and Religion and Culture. I adore fantasy and sci-fi, especially when it comes to the YA section, but that doesn't mean I don't read anything else. When I'm not reading, I'm writing, biking, taking my dog for long walks or watching anime.

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