new york city 2017

Top Five Favourite Books from Book Con 2017

This week for Top Five Wednesday Alexandra finally coughs up her top five books that she got at book con. You know only a few months late.

My Top Ten Book Expo 2017 Books

Book Expo 2017 was a month ago. Now that some time has passed I finally feel like I’ve settled back into my every day life. It also means I have finally managed to sort through all of the books that I...

New York City & Book Expo 2017 Vlog

[youtube] Another year, another Book Expo. Alexandra and Chelsey talk about their adventures in New York City, the books they got at Book Expo 20...

We Went to New York City (Book Expo 2017)

Alexandra recounts her adventures from Book Expo 2017 and New York City. Lots of books, museums and Panic! At the Disco abounds. Be warned.

Museums and Snapchat

Two of my greatest loves are museums and social media. During our New York trip Chelsey and I managed to hit up a few museums. Instead of just sending regular pictures of the models and pieces of art ...

Last Day in Paradise: Book Expo Last Day Hurrah

It’s the final day of Book Expo. The day we get to learn from yesterday’s mistakes and become ultimate super bloggers! We got out the door earlier. We planned our breakfast (which did not ...

Day 2 of Book Expo

Woo! Half way through day 2 of Book Expo and it has already been wild. It seems scaled down this year. Maybe there are less booths or maybe there are less people, but the event seems smaller. Not less...

On Our Way to BookExpo!

Airports always do their utmost to be stressful. I have a theory that people who specialize in designing airports probably have a particular affinity for rat mazes. Lucky for us we weren’t defea...

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