The Locked Tomb series—Gideon the Ninth, Harrow the Ninth, Nona the Ninth, and Alecto the Ninth—is an epic science fantasy that blends necromantic theory and thrilling swordplay with a wicked, sacrile...
In an isolated chateau, as far north as north goes, the baron’s doctor has died. The doctor’s replacement has a mystery to solve: discovering how the Institute lost track of one of its many bodies. ...
If you're having trouble keeping all the characters of Gideon the Nineth straight then you've come to the right place. Here is a little guide to remember which character belongs to which necromantic t...
This is the big one, the book that we were waiting for. But would it live up to the hype train that Alexandra was captaining? Why yes. Yes it did. You need to read this book. Like yesterday.
And our cosmic horror month(s) come to a close with Winter Tide. A book about reclaiming the mythos and found family. Guys, watch your hearts grow three sizes.
And our cosmic horror month(s) come to a close with Winter Tide. A book about reclaiming the mythos and found family. Guys, watch your hearts grow three sizes.
Gideon the Ninth is the most fun you'll ever have with a skeleton. The Emperor needs necromancers. The Ninth Necromancer needs a swordswoman. Gideon has a sword, some dirty magazines, a...
People move to New York looking for magic and nothing will convince them it isn't there. Charles Thomas Tester hustles to put food on the table, keep the roof over his father's head, from Harlem ...
People move to New York looking for magic and nothing will convince them it isn't there. Charles Thomas Tester hustles to put food on the table, keep the roof over his father's head, from Harlem ...
After attacking Devil’s Reef in 1928, the U.S. Government rounded up the people of Innsmouth and took them to the desert, far from their ocean, their Deep One ancestors, and their sleeping god Cthulhu...
People move to New York looking for magic and nothing will convince them it isn't there. Charles Thomas Tester hustles to put food on the table, keep the roof over his father's head, from Harlem ...
Sydney once had Serena—beloved sister, betrayed enemy, powerful ally. But now she is alone, except for her thrice-dead dog, Dol, and then there's Victor, who thinks Sydney doesn't know about his most ...
Alexandra and Chelsey go into a more spoiler filled discussion about V.E. Scwhab's A Conjuring of Light. The last book in the Darker Shade of Magic trilogy.
And finally: A Conjuring of Light. The last time we talked about this series V.E. Schwab left us off with an extremely nasty cliffhanger. We're finally getting it resolved. But was the wait worth it? ...
THE BALANCE OF POWER HAS FINALLY TIPPED... The precarious equilibrium among four Londons has reached its breaking point. Once brimming with the red vivacity of magic, darkness casts a shadow over the...