
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpY1ySGiblQ?showinfo=0&w=853&h=480]

I have to say Legacy is probably one of the most amateurish books I’ve ever read. I mean how do they have ‘Christmas’ if they don’t have Christianity? Who did not catch that in editing? Seriously?! There is just so much wrong with this book, especially including the main character. She is beyond useless. If the human race were to depend on her, we’d be an extinct species.

With a title like ‘Legacy’ you would expect a book to leave you with something more than anger at rookie mistakes and drab characters. But you’d wrong. Is this really the best that Harlequin Teen has to offer?
  • Interesting premise
  • Failed heroine
  • World building
  • Writing style
  • Rookie mistakes
Written by
I graduated with a BA in English and minors in Film, Women Studies, and Religion and Culture. I adore fantasy and sci-fi, especially when it comes to the YA section, but that doesn't mean I don't read anything else. When I'm not reading, I'm writing, biking, taking my dog for long walks or watching anime.

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