As mentioned yesterday I’m an extremely picky Reader, but I don’t hate a book. It takes a lot to get me to hate a book but when I do I tend to devolve into a Hulk-like creature. The Five ...
I’m pretty picky when it comes to reading books. I’ve been making an effort to try and branch out into different genres which has been both frightening and enlightening. So here I will pre...
In previous posts under this challenge I have spoken about my favourite books. I figure I’ll narrow my focus for today’s Challenge back to the topic of this website. Alexandra’s Five...
I have a friend who’s favourite plot is Pride and Prejudice. He loves the story about the guy who is kind of a douche who meets a girl and she helps him overcome his douchey ways, so as you can ...
“I can believe things that are true and things that aren’t true and I can believe things where nobody knows if they’re true or not. I can believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny and th...
I love webcomics. No, I really love webcomics. So today’s blog post will be my five favourite webcomics (in no specific order). So here we go: 1. Gunnerkrigg Court By Tom Siddell Gunnerkrigg Cou...
“Real” Books vs eBooks? Why? The Books vs eBooks debate, a never ending battle between technophiles and purists…. This post will have to be short because I’m extremely tired an...
Favourite Author – Which Was Your Favourite Book by Him. Normally my answer would be Neil Gaiman and American Gods, but I wrote about that yesterday. So for the sake of variety I’ll chose ...
I have a lot of favourite books and series making this question near impossible to answer. The book that I finally settled on was this:
Here at Death of the Author it is fairly obvious that we fail at completing every challenge that we set out for ourselves. Now I could go off an a long winded rant about school and life being so darn ...