
Slayer Spoilers

And vampire month comes to a close with our spoiler review for Slayer. As the second book we've read by Kiersten White... this one was different. Very full?

6.2 Fair

Vampyr: Part One – So You Just Ate Your Sister

In honour of the last (official) day of Vampire month Chelsey and Alexandra decided to try something a little different and stream a game. Welcome to Vampyr. You’re a Doctor it’s your job to save t...

Priest Movie Vlog

Vampire Month Movie Time! Spoilers for the movie! Alexandra and Chelsey watch Priest, a vampire movie based off of a Korean comic. Guys, Karl Urban is a national treasure.


Alexandra and Chelsey talk Slayer, Kiersten White's new novel set in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer universe.

6.2 Fair

Spirt Bound Spoilers

Find out what happens in this book, as Rose obsesses over changing Dimitri back to being human and doesn't interact with Lissa, like always. We tell you about all the drama and terrible things our Vam...

5.6 Average

Spirit Bound

Will Rose get her Dimitri back? Will we care? The second last book of the series seems to drag a little bit with predictable drama and some of the same pitfalls as the previous book.

5.6 Average

‘Salem’s Lot Spoilers

Chelsey and Alexandra go into more spoilery details about 'Salem's Lot, Stephen King's second novel and foray into vampire fiction.

7.6 Good

‘Salem’s Lot Review

Well here we are. Another year, another attempt at vampire month. We're kicking 2019 off with an old school classic: Stephen King's 'Salem's Lot. Can Stephen King do vampires? Can he win a skepti...

7.6 Good

Fevre Dream Spoilers Review

Alexandra and Chelsey go into more detail about George R.R. Martin's Fevre Dream. Vampires. Steamboats... Metaphors... There's a lot here guys.

7 Good

Fevre Dream Review

Can you believe that this is the first George R.R. Martin book that we've ever reviewed? Chelsey and Alexandra start out vampire month (late) with George R.R. Martin's pre-Civil War vampire novel.

7 Good

New York City & Book Expo 2017 Vlog

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMZ_apVaHAU?showinfo=0] Another year, another Book Expo. Alexandra and Chelsey talk about their adventures in New York City, the books they got at Book Expo 20...

Becoming Darkness

Becoming Darkness takes place in an alternate timeline where the Nazi’s won World War Two. Their victory was fully dependent on them releasing a plague which quickly went out of hand. The majori...

5 Average

Who Said It? Batman or Evanescence

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ht5cq1fmynU?showinfo=0&w=853&h=480] Today we’re doing something a little different! Alexandra recently read Batman Vampire and Elseworld Batman s...

The Hunger: A Movie Review

John (David Bowie) is the lover of the gorgeous immortal vampire Miriam (Catherine Deneuve), and he's been led to believe that he'll live forever, too. Unfortunately, he quickly deteriorates into a ho...

Becoming Darkness Spoilers

And we're back to talk about Becoming Darkness... aka The Strain meets The Man in the High Castle... and more things... This book was strange.

5.6 Average
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