The Strain Vlogs #2.6: Identity


Things are STILL happening on The Strain. Yes, we’reĀ as surprised as you are.

Remember, spoilers.

Topics discussed are:
– The Masters seem to be afraid of Quinlain
– Gus is still hanging around the Silver Angel, too the horror of the Silver Angel
– Gus is an effective vampire hunter
– Eph cheats on Nora. Seems like he can’t take one step forward without taking two backwards
– Alexandra attempts and Eldritch Palmer impression
– The Master’s ascention aka lets watch Eichorst’s heart be broken
– Discussion of worm transfusions
– Kelly is starting to make her final moves
– Nora shows she can keep her head in a crisis. Not that we’re surprised
– FitzWilliam is dead… really?
– Happy that the scare factor is back.

Chelsey and Alexandra have been posting book reviews by text or video for over 5 years now. When they're not reading and writing reviews they usually have a fantasy project in queue that they're working on. You can also catch them around town at cons and expos once or twice a year.

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