Of Fire and Stars Vlog Review

A lesbian fantasy romance that has neither fantasy or romance.
It has politics, romance, murder, horses... but does it have substance? Of Fire and Stars has all the pieces it needs to be an excellent novel. As Audrey Coulhurst's debut novel we have no idea what to expect.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8aKlvd67Go?rel=0&showinfo=0]
  • Has potential to get better
  • A twist on the usual plot
  • No chemistry between characters
  • Little focus on the actual plot
  • Minimal world building
  • The horses are some of the most well developed characters
Plot - 4
Characters - 2
Setting - 4
Writing Style - 2
Enjoyability - 5
Chelsey and Alexandra have been posting book reviews by text or video for over 5 years now. When they're not reading and writing reviews they usually have a fantasy project in queue that they're working on. You can also catch them around town at cons and expos once or twice a year.

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