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Ms. Mojo: Top 10 YA Novels That NEED Movie Adaptations

Recently the list channel Ms. Mojo released a video talking about the Top 10 YA Novels that need movie adaptations. To my surprise there were a few choices that skewed away from the usual books and se...[Read More]

Top 5 Wednesday: Series We Wish Had More Books

Sometimes you love a book or a series so much you would be willing to give your left arm for another story that takes place in that world. This week for Top 5 Wednesday, Chelsey and I talk about our f...[Read More]

Top 5 Wednesday: Debut Novels

When you finish a novel you don’t exactly wonder if this was THE VERY FIRST thing they have ever written. If I like an author, I will look into other things that they have written, but their debut bo...[Read More]

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