Falling for Hamlet Review

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgu98VYWj9s&w=853&h=480]
Falling for Hamlet tries to answer one question: how can a teenage girl become so obsessed over a guy? Instead of an interesting take on Shakespeare’s play, the novel is a mess of a modernization, with talk shows, bladed lacrosse sticks and new love interests.
  • Portrayal and use of the media
  • Poor character development
  • Poor integration of Hamlet
  • Awful themes
  • Author adds new characters (Sebastien)
Plot - 1
Characters - 1
Setting - 1
Writing Style - 0
Enjoyability - 0
Chelsey and Alexandra have been posting book reviews by text or video for over 5 years now. When they're not reading and writing reviews they usually have a fantasy project in queue that they're working on. You can also catch them around town at cons and expos once or twice a year.

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